Tanglefoot Loop
The Tanglefoot Loop is one of several hiking and walking trails within the Toolangi State Forest which can easily be combined to create an even longer day hike. The Trail is approximately 10.5km in length, and loops around the lush forest filled with small footbridges, ferns, tall Mountain Ash and other greenery.
It is a grade 3 walk and may take anywhere up to 2-3 hours to complete. It is a formed earthen track however some bushwalking experience is recommended as you may encounter some natural hazards such as steep slopes, unstable surfaces and minor water crossings. There is track head signage and route markers at intersections where the track is indistinct however it is best to do some research before you go and follow a map to make sure you are on the correct route.
* Please note the trail can become quite muddy after rainfall so it's best to wear proper hiking shoes and prepare to get a bit dirty as you trek through the rainforest. Look out for possible streams flowing over the trails and keep in mind you may encounter a few obstacles over the path which may require you to duck under or climb over to get past.
As the Tanglefoot Trail is a loop it can be accessed from several spots along the length of the trail. The first one is by the Wirrawilla Car Park in the Toolangi State Forest at the end of Quarry Road, off Sylvia Creek Road. The start of the Tanglefoot Loop is to the right of the Wirrawilla Rainforest Walk on the left. The second one can be accessed via Monda Carpark located on Monda Road, off Meyers Creek Road. There is a car park here directly opposite the point where the loop can be accessed.
* Before you go please read our top safety travel tips HERE