Cool, clear waters. Crisp fresh air. Spectacular natural surrounds. It’s no wonder Murrindindi is celebrated as a mecca for recreational fishing.
Drop a line off the back of a boat at Lake Eildon or nab a spot at Eildon Pondage. For river fishing, it doesn’t get much better than the Goulburn River - one of Victoria’s premier fishing locations.
For those looking for a different challenge, there's also excellent fishing to be had in many of the local streams, including the Murrindindi River near Yea, the Rubicon River near Thornton and the Steavenson River at Marysville or Buxton. Be sure to drop in to a local tackle store for the best advice, bait and a licence. BYO bragging rights and camera!


For seasonal information and local fishing tips visit:
New to fishing or looking for a few pointers? Visit the Buxton Trout and Salmon Farm or book in for a guided lesson with Goulburn Valley Fly Fishing.
* Eildon Pondage - one of Victoria’s most popular destinations for trout fishers and is stocked regularly by the nearby Snobs Creek hatchery. There are numerous spots around the grassy banks to settle in for a day of angling.
* Goulburn River - between Eildon and Thornton offers up the goods and with plenty of shady banks to choose from, it is popular with anglers of all levels.
* Acheron River - Access via Glendale Lane, Little River Reserve, Granton Road, Acheron Way and North Creek Road
* Rubicon River - a magnificent location to target trout including rainbow trout, brown trout and brook trout. It’s a must-visit spot especially if you are a keen fly fisherman, with shallow running water and odd deep pools, a keen eye will be able to sight cast for big trout in clear waters.

* Steavenson River - Access via Vic Oak Picnic Area, Buxton Road, Buxton Recreation Reserve & Meeting of the Waters.
* Big River - flows in a steep, narrow, forested valley into Lake Eildon. Downstream of Enoch's Point, it becomes a large river (average width 10 m) with pools more than 100 cm deep and with a considerable number of snags present, perfect habitat for trout.
* King Parrot Creek - near Strath Creek, Kerrisdale or Flowerdale
* Meeting of the Waters - the grand junction of three rivers (Acheron, Steavenson & Little Steavenson). The Acheron tumbles through a turbulent pool to meet the cooler waters of the Steavenson River, while the Little Steavenson sneaks in beside the rapids.
* Lake Eildon - one of Australia's most popular freshwater fishing destinations. There are plenty of fish to be caught with brown trout, rainbow trout, redfin, perch, Murray cod, roach, tench, and carp, just some of the species that can be caught around Lake Eildon.