Murrindindi offers a fantastic range of walks for all abilities. We want to ensure you enjoy them safely and responsibly so have some helpful tips and information provided by our friends at Parks Victoria to help you.
- Safety and preparedness is the responsibility of all visitors and we encourage people to prepare adequately for their visit and to ensure they choose a walk suitable to their abilities, the weather and time available.
- Always wear sturdy shoes with good tread, a hat and weather proof clothing. Carry water proof clothing, sun protection, map, compass, GPS, torch, fully-charged phone and basic first aid kit.
- A topographic map of the area you are walking is recommended, particulalry for longer or more remote walks.
- Phone signals can be unreliable in some areas. Telstra is the best network but coverage is limited and cannot be guaranteed. Hikers should consider carrying a radio or personal locator beacon.
- Walking alone on long, difficult or remote walks is not recommended.
- Before setting out on your walk let someone know where you are going, your expected time of return and vehicle details. Let your contact know when you have returned.
- Allow plenty of time – don’t head out on a difficult or longer walk in the late afternoon. Distances may take much longer than you expect on difficult terrain and distances may take much longer to walk.
- Keep to defined, marked walking tracks and do not cut corners. Though trail markers may be visible on trails, it may be easy to lose sight of the tracks so pay close attention.
- The Cathedral Range is a special place that has a lot to offer hikers, but it should not be underestimated. The range is dominated by rocky ridges and outcrops and walks on the range involve climbing steep rock faces and traversing rock steps, uneven and slippery track surfaces. Weather conditions can change quickly making it important to always be prepared for all types of weather.
- Many areas are not suitable for hiking on days of extreme weather. Avoid walking on days of Total Fire Ban.
- Carry out all rubbish, including food scraps.
- Toilets are not available at all walking or camping locations. If unavoidable, bury all waste and toilet paper at least 15cm deep and at least 100 metres from campsites and watercourses. Mix waste with soil to aid decomposition and to discourage animals digging up the waste.
- Always call Triple 000 in an emergency